Monthly Archives: Červenec 2023

The Credit Agreements Act 1980

The Credit Agreements Act 1980: What You Need to Know The Credit Agreements Act 1980 is an important piece of legislation that regulates the credit industry in the UK. The act outlines the rules and regulations that must be followed by lenders in order to ensure that consumers are protected from unfair and unethical […]

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Distributorship Agreement Singapore

A distributorship agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a business relationship between a distributor and a supplier. The agreement provides a framework for how the distributor will sell, market and distribute the supplier’s products in a particular geographic region. In Singapore, distributorship agreements are common in a […]

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Development Agreement Format under Maharera

Development Agreement Format Under Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) is responsible for regulating the real estate industry in Maharashtra. MahaRERA has made it mandatory for developers to sign a development agreement with the buyers. The development agreement format has been prescribed by MahaRERA and all developers must […]

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